What Is Rhinoplasty?

A rhinoplasty, also known as the nose job or nose reshaping, is surgery to enhance the nose function, structure, and appearance. This cosmetic surgery procedure is often performed to improve breathing, correct structural defects, or mend nose injuries. 

However, people are mostly opting for rhinoplasty to remodel their nose because of the looks: to reshape its tip, make it bigger or smaller, alter the angle between the upper lip and nose or modify the width of the nostrils. That’s why rhinoplasty demands a lot of skill and talent from the surgeon, so make sure to trust yourself in the hands of the best experts in this field.



Who Is It for?

Rhinoplasty is the best option for people who wish to:

  • Modify the nose structure;
  • Straighten the nose;
  • Correct post-traumatic or birth-related nasal defects;
  • Change the shape and size of different parts of the nose (bridge, wings, tip, nostrils);
  • Alter the angle between the upper lip and the nose.

Also, other prerequisites before going for the nose job are that: 

  • You are physically healthy;
  • Your facial growth is complete (at least 18 years old);
  • You have realistic expectations.

How to Prepare for Rhinoplasty?

The nose reshaping procedure’s preparation starts with a consultation with your plastic surgeon to determine whether this operation is the best fit for you. During the initial meeting with the doctor, they will review your medical history, examine your physical condition, and take some photos of your current nose situation. You will also thoroughly discuss the expectations and determine what could be the best, realistic result of the nose job for you.

If you’re cleared for this cosmetic surgery procedure, then you’ll also be asked to do the following:

  • Stop smoking for a few weeks before and after the surgery to prevent slowing down the healing process and make it less likely to get an infection;
  • Take certain medications or adjust your current medicines;
  • Avoid certain medications and supplements that can increase bleeding (such as anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and herbal supplements).

What to Expect from Rhinoplasty?

Since every patient and their anatomy are unique, rhinoplasty doesn’t have an ordered series of steps or one universal surgery method. Therefore, every operation is different and according to the needs of every client.

Depending on the specific case and nose access point, there are two ways to perform the rhinoplasty surgery: the closed and open method

In closed rhinoplasty, the incisions are made inside the nostrils to hide the scars later. After the incision, the skin and subcutaneous tissues are opened to uncover the cartilage and bones for altering or removing the bones, adjusting cartilage, etc. The closed nose job is for patients whose nose needs relatively little or moderate correction.

In the opened rhinoplasty case, the incisions are made inside the nostrils and across the columella skin. This approach is more extensive and grants the surgeon better access to the nose structures and enables more significant changes. Nevertheless, the scars are minimal and barely unnoticeable.

Essential details about the rhinoplasty procedure:

  • Surgery duration: 1-4 hours
  • Anesthesia: general
  • Hospital stay: 2 nights
  • Recovery time: several weeks
  • Work leave required: 2 weeks

Recovery and Results

After the nose reshaping, patients typically wear a nasal splint for the first week, so make sure to take at least a week or two off from school or work. Mild pain, swelling, and some bruising around the operation area are expected during the first few days, but not to worry – pain medications are provided.

During the recovery, it’s essential to rest a lot, ice the operation area, and make sure to, while laying in bed, keep the head and chest higher to avoid bleeding and swelling. After the nasal splint is removed, you can return to work and cardio exercises, such as walking or running. However, it’s crucial to avoid physical and contact sports for up to 1.5 months. Other than that, you can return to your normal daily activities within two weeks after the surgery.

To facilitate the healing process and make the process go faster and more successful, in addition to previously mentioned rules, you must also follow these precautions for several weeks:

  • Avoid foods that require intense chewing;
  • Avoid strong facial expressions (e.g., crying, laughing, etc.);
  • Avoid direct sunlight for at least six weeks (too much of it may cause persistent discoloration of the skin);
  • Don’t blow your nose;
  • Don’t swim;
  • Don’t wear glasses or sunglasses for at least one month to not put excessive pressure on your nose;
  • Brush your teeth gently (so that your upper lip stays still);
  • Wear clothes that don’t require pulling them over your head.

Even though patients are likely to heal quite fast during the first-month post-surgery, the full recovery and final results can take up to one year. The definitive shape of your nose will be apparent after it has wholly healed. 

Although the changes in the structure of the patient’s nose are minimal, often only a few millimeters, the impact on the whole appearance and outline of your nose and face is astonishing. Mostly the patients are delighted if an experienced surgeon does the procedure.

Risks and Complications

As all surgeries carry the risks, rhinoplasty is no different. Therefore, it’s crucial always to comprehend the possible results of whether the potential outcome outweighs the risks associated with surgery. 

Possible risks and complications related to rhinoplasty procedure include:

  • Anesthesia risks;
  • Infection;
  • Bleeding;
  • Poor wound healing or scarring;
  • Changes in skin sensation or color (e.g., numbness, swelling, or pain);
  • Difficulty breathing through your nose;
  • Unsatisfying results (e.g., uneven-looking nose);
  • A hole in the nasal septum (septal perforation);
  • A need for additional surgery.

Even though the nose reshaping carries considerable risks, the good news is that rhinoplasty risks are still relatively small, and complications are somewhat rare compared to other cosmetic surgeries. Make sure to get in touch with our experts to assess how the nose job can be done for you.

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